Wyre Forest Liberal Democrat aims for Kidderminster Town Council
A Liberal Democrat controlled Kidderminster Town Council will:
- Prioritise Saving the St George’s Park Paddling Pool
- Ensure that when Kidderminster Town Hall re-opens, it is an attractive Community Facility, which is affordable for use by Community Groups as well as by professional groups.
- We must ensure that regular users of the Town Hall, who have found new venues whilst the Town Hall is closed, are encouraged to return to the Town Hall even if this means we have to subsidise them for the first year or two.
- We must ensure that the cafe/bar in the Town Hall and Courtyard provides an attractive ambience and attracts passing trade.
- We must ensure that the Town Centre Open Air Market is attractive and viable and that stalls do not obstruct local shops.
- We believe that the post of “ Leader of the Council” is pretentious and unnecessary in the Town Council; we would ensure that the Mayor of Kidderminster is seen to be our leading citizen.
- We will ensure that traditions such as Mayor’s Sunday and Mayor’s Carol Service are continued as important parts of our Civic Tradition.
- We would encourage further development of our Twinning Link with Husum.
- We believe that the “Friends of the Parks” Groups have a very important role to play in our town and we would encourage cooperation between them and the Town Council.
- We believe the Town Council Budget must be kept under review and staffing levels controlled.
For any specific enquiries you can email: hello@wyreforestlibdems.org.uk