Forthcoming work at Kidderminster Railway Station
A message from Andy Maginnis, Programme and Commissioning Manager, Worcestershire County Council.
Please be aware of some forthcoming activities at Kidderminster Station including some potentially noisy work outside normal working hours, the removal of some trees and the use of temporary traffic signals on Comberton Hill.
Friday 22nd March - Potentially noisy overnight work (22.30 - 05.30) associated with the installation of a new footpath in the station forecourt.
Monday 1st April - Temporary traffic signals operating on Comberton Hill between the road bridge over the railway and the station entrance. This is to enable the safe removal of trees and shrubs from the station boundary.
Sunday 7th April -Some of this work will be carried out overnight (22.30 - 05.30) when trains are not operating and unfortunately it may be noisy. The signals will be in operation throughout this period.
Monday 8th April - Sunday 15th April - Contingency in the event of work not being completed during the week highlighted above due to unforeseen circumstances.
All work will be carried out in accordance with Worcester Regulatory Services' Code of Best Practice for Demolition and Construction Sites and every effort will be made to keep noise to a minimum.

Station Approach, Phase 4. Click here to download this in PDF

Temporary Bus Stop, Comberton Hill. Click here to download this in PDF